Friday, August 31, 2007

Today's summary

Today we had another full day in the worshop. I was getting stuck in and finnished the two half joins from yesterday and did pretty well. The final half joinwas the dovetail and i must of pulled some magic from my ass because i got it right first time and it was next to perfection. The shoulders were a little out but besides that it was pretty good.

Then i moved on to the housing joins and was feeling godd because i was closing in on Rob but when i got to the Touge housing join it put mu world into darkness. The F#$@ing thing was not working for me but by the third attempt it did get better and Paul reluckently put me onto the Through Bridel and the Mited bridel. I still have to finish that one but it's looking good.

The only thing that was bugging my ass was my sawing. Yesterday i was bad and then got really but today i just couldn't get it perfect like yesterday. It did get better but i want to perfect it so it makes my job easier. I think that my maring out is very good thoiught all i need to do is to get better with my hand skills.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wrap up of the day

Today we had our first day of workshop and i loved it. i had to go home and get some jeans on first and then come back and get straight into it. At first i totally sucked man i couldn't cut straight which pissed me off because i marked out hell good. But then Paul gave me some hell good tips and by my fith attemped my cuts were clean and i passed. We were in the workshop most of the day and i only did three joins but i hell loved improving each time i had another attempt. So i feel that today was probbaly my best day at tafe so far because i totally sucked at something and by the end of the day i feel that i've come along way.

Sequence of the workshop today

Today we had our first day in workshop and this is what we did in sequence.
Step 1: We first go our plan
Step 2: Then we went over and choose our timber
Step 3: Once we got to our work bench we marked the face side and egde
Step 4: Then we marked our timber according to our plan
Step 5: After that we placed our timber into our vices to make the timber secure
Step 6: We then started sawing into our timber along the marks we drew
Step 7: After we chizeled what needed to be chizeled
Step 8: Then we showed the finished product to Paul
Step 9: Once Paul approved our work on the join we went onto the join and so on...

The safety that we had to be aware of when we were in the workshop.

-We always had to wear safety glasses, steel capped boots and jeans when we are in the workshop. Me and Rob have to tie our hair back as well
-We need to make sure that we use the chizel and saw correctly so we don't injure our selves
-We always needed to make sure that the floor was clear of loose objects to avoid tripping up and snapping our ankels

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wrap up of the day

Today we started off with a bit a maths and i loved it. Then Bill came from Perth to show us what a Blog is and how to set up a gmail. Then we set up a Blog and stuffed around with making our own style of Blog right up untill lunch. After lunch we did a mini test to find how each of us learn. We either learn by hearing, seeing and actully get hands on with what we learn. I'm a hands on dude. Then we talked about communtcation a bit then did a bit about what employers look for in an apprentise and what an apprentise should strive for. Finally we did a bit on problem solving and team work which we build a base for the excerise.

25 to life with no perole

Team work- teamwork is when a group of inderviduals work togerther in harmony to acheive a common goal

Five words for team are- respect, responsability, co-operation, sharing and participation

Me, Rob and Daniel worked as a team to construct a base to hold 2.6L of water. we worked well as a team but unfortunatly our end product suck because the legs weren't straight and the whole thing collapesed. The other team kick our ass.

Monday, August 27, 2007

What employees want

The three people interveiwed for this audio where Steve Cook, Ray Hall and Rod Slater. These three people have excelled within their trade and have taken on hundreds of apprentises between them. They have a great knowlage of what they think makes a good apprentise which comes from many years in their trade and are willing to take about what those qullities are.

From listerning to all three people they do all seem to have the same ideas of what makes a good apperntise which are: To have a good attitude, clean appearence, well motivated, honest, respectable, have the desire to learn the trade, be flexable, show enthusiasim, put in good effort and to have maths and english skills which will allow you to cope with the trade that you wish to pursue.

These quallities i think are shared by most employers and quite a few of them have been mentioned by Berie Lafferty and my boss Nathan Vander Weilen. Telling both me and the other apprentise what they are looking for when we both rock up to the work site day after day.