Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sequence of the workshop today

Today we had our first day in workshop and this is what we did in sequence.
Step 1: We first go our plan
Step 2: Then we went over and choose our timber
Step 3: Once we got to our work bench we marked the face side and egde
Step 4: Then we marked our timber according to our plan
Step 5: After that we placed our timber into our vices to make the timber secure
Step 6: We then started sawing into our timber along the marks we drew
Step 7: After we chizeled what needed to be chizeled
Step 8: Then we showed the finished product to Paul
Step 9: Once Paul approved our work on the join we went onto the join and so on...

The safety that we had to be aware of when we were in the workshop.

-We always had to wear safety glasses, steel capped boots and jeans when we are in the workshop. Me and Rob have to tie our hair back as well
-We need to make sure that we use the chizel and saw correctly so we don't injure our selves
-We always needed to make sure that the floor was clear of loose objects to avoid tripping up and snapping our ankels

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