Monday, August 27, 2007

What employees want

The three people interveiwed for this audio where Steve Cook, Ray Hall and Rod Slater. These three people have excelled within their trade and have taken on hundreds of apprentises between them. They have a great knowlage of what they think makes a good apprentise which comes from many years in their trade and are willing to take about what those qullities are.

From listerning to all three people they do all seem to have the same ideas of what makes a good apperntise which are: To have a good attitude, clean appearence, well motivated, honest, respectable, have the desire to learn the trade, be flexable, show enthusiasim, put in good effort and to have maths and english skills which will allow you to cope with the trade that you wish to pursue.

These quallities i think are shared by most employers and quite a few of them have been mentioned by Berie Lafferty and my boss Nathan Vander Weilen. Telling both me and the other apprentise what they are looking for when we both rock up to the work site day after day.

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