Friday, August 31, 2007

Today's summary

Today we had another full day in the worshop. I was getting stuck in and finnished the two half joins from yesterday and did pretty well. The final half joinwas the dovetail and i must of pulled some magic from my ass because i got it right first time and it was next to perfection. The shoulders were a little out but besides that it was pretty good.

Then i moved on to the housing joins and was feeling godd because i was closing in on Rob but when i got to the Touge housing join it put mu world into darkness. The F#$@ing thing was not working for me but by the third attempt it did get better and Paul reluckently put me onto the Through Bridel and the Mited bridel. I still have to finish that one but it's looking good.

The only thing that was bugging my ass was my sawing. Yesterday i was bad and then got really but today i just couldn't get it perfect like yesterday. It did get better but i want to perfect it so it makes my job easier. I think that my maring out is very good thoiught all i need to do is to get better with my hand skills.

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