Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday's wrap up

At the very beginning of the day me and Rob began and finished our picture presentation. it took us right up to smokeo to complete and felt that we did a great job. it was very informitive and was time well spent.

After smokeo i got into our saw horse project and i discovered that i have excellent plane skills which i'm very proud of. i only got to start marking and cutting the legs. but when i was cutting the legs i found that my cuttings skills have improved. which is great because if they were as bad as they were last week i would have struggled.

After Tafe today i'm gonna buy a tennon saw so can practise at home so when i come back to Tafe next time i won't feel like i'm behind the others. i think that my cutting is my only weakness but i'm sure that it won't be for long.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today we started off by continuing on with drawing up our saw horse. it took half the day to finish which included doing a bit of hypotenuse and doing up a cutting list. during that time Tim Oliver came and spoke to use about what he does and what we were gonna do with him after lunch.

Tim started out by putting on a slide show but it didn't work and neither Paul or Tim could figure it out. so we all crammed around the laptop and watched a demonstration that was done by apprentises in Perth and it was hell good. we all then basically chose our partners out of a hat and then started to construct our short picture film. me and Rob got put together and had to do a power plane.

Me and Rob did a pretty discriptive job on our layout and once we were done we got a camera and the planes and started taking pictures. i think that we did a pretty good job and now all we have to do is put it on the computer and chuck on the audio with a couple of captions and we're done.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Start of the saw horse project

Today we started off by getting into a group and disscussing what we needed to do to get around planning for our project. what i wasn't ready for was the amount of planning and the amount of consideration we needed to focus on. some of the things were about OHS, the steps of planning, metirals used, tools used and having to be aware of our workplace surroundings.

We did a lot of planning and brainstorming and got a fair bit done before lunch. when we got back we went into the workshop and got a lengh of butchur's paper from a role and a drafting board. we stuck the paper on to the board and started to draw up the saw stool. Paul showed us what to look for when we were drawing up and then we just drew for the rest of the day. the two angles that we were drawing was the side elevation and the plan view.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tuesday with Jim

Today we start6ed off with the naming of tools and equipment. me and Rob bought our books today which cost $181 which sucked balls. we did that for most of the day because we couldn't really do much more because we are going to start a new project. the reason for that is Bernie was coming in with Gemma who is the woman from the apprentise board and each of us had to have a quick conversation and sign something. that brought us up to lunch time.

When we got back there was a bloke called Jim how spoke to us about fire extingishers. in lasted for about two hours but it was well worth it. Jim was very passionate about fire and how to contain them. he told us difgferent stories about people getting burnt and how they could of prevented it. Jim was very good value because of his knowlage on the subject and the carisma he had. we then went outside and Jim showed us a demonsration which was pretty interesting and then we went back inside for a mini test.

i think that the fire extingish program was the best thing of the day and now i know if i'm gonna get one it should be a white powder fire extingisher. me and Rhys were talking before and Jim has convinsed both of us that maybe we should get one for ourselves especially for our cars.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday's wrap up

Today we started with using tools and equipment. we had to fill out the practical carpentry book 1 and 2. we just had to lable what the tools where and there are a lot of chizels and different planes that we all didn't know.
We then went to the libery and split up into groups i went with Greg and Daniel. we did a presentation on e-beams and feel that it went well. although Rob had a different opinion but screw him.
Afterwards we went to the workshop and basically spent the rest of the day doing joins. Bernie paid us a visit just to see how we were going and what we thought of the cause so far. he also mentioned that he was coming back tomorrow with this chick from the apprentiship company so she can check up on us to see that everything is going well.
We are now doing the bloggs and afterwards we are going back to the workshop to continue with our joins. then i think we will be done for the day.