Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday's wrap up

Today we started with using tools and equipment. we had to fill out the practical carpentry book 1 and 2. we just had to lable what the tools where and there are a lot of chizels and different planes that we all didn't know.
We then went to the libery and split up into groups i went with Greg and Daniel. we did a presentation on e-beams and feel that it went well. although Rob had a different opinion but screw him.
Afterwards we went to the workshop and basically spent the rest of the day doing joins. Bernie paid us a visit just to see how we were going and what we thought of the cause so far. he also mentioned that he was coming back tomorrow with this chick from the apprentiship company so she can check up on us to see that everything is going well.
We are now doing the bloggs and afterwards we are going back to the workshop to continue with our joins. then i think we will be done for the day.

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