Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tuesday with Jim

Today we start6ed off with the naming of tools and equipment. me and Rob bought our books today which cost $181 which sucked balls. we did that for most of the day because we couldn't really do much more because we are going to start a new project. the reason for that is Bernie was coming in with Gemma who is the woman from the apprentise board and each of us had to have a quick conversation and sign something. that brought us up to lunch time.

When we got back there was a bloke called Jim how spoke to us about fire extingishers. in lasted for about two hours but it was well worth it. Jim was very passionate about fire and how to contain them. he told us difgferent stories about people getting burnt and how they could of prevented it. Jim was very good value because of his knowlage on the subject and the carisma he had. we then went outside and Jim showed us a demonsration which was pretty interesting and then we went back inside for a mini test.

i think that the fire extingish program was the best thing of the day and now i know if i'm gonna get one it should be a white powder fire extingisher. me and Rhys were talking before and Jim has convinsed both of us that maybe we should get one for ourselves especially for our cars.

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