Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday's wrap up

At the very beginning of the day me and Rob began and finished our picture presentation. it took us right up to smokeo to complete and felt that we did a great job. it was very informitive and was time well spent.

After smokeo i got into our saw horse project and i discovered that i have excellent plane skills which i'm very proud of. i only got to start marking and cutting the legs. but when i was cutting the legs i found that my cuttings skills have improved. which is great because if they were as bad as they were last week i would have struggled.

After Tafe today i'm gonna buy a tennon saw so can practise at home so when i come back to Tafe next time i won't feel like i'm behind the others. i think that my cutting is my only weakness but i'm sure that it won't be for long.

1 comment:

goddy said...

Greg great to see you are improving your hand skills.
hang in there mate.