Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Monday to Wednesday wrap up

On Monday i finished off my drawing of the Carry All and then started to get all my timber that we all prepared on Friday and began marking out. Before i started marking out i had to measure the width of the timber and then planed it down to size. basically for the rest of the day i spent marking out because there was alot to do. i had to be very precise because since we are using German Dovetails if onewas out of whack the whole side or ever the whole Carry All could be out. so Paul made sure that we all took our time and to do a good job.

Tuesday we started cutting out and everything was going well. Paul ripped this hell crazy Japanness saw and i had to say it's probbaly the best hand saw i've ever used. it's funny because now Rob wants one so he can pretent to be a street urban nija. Anyway i used the Japanness saw for the rest of the day. we worked in the workshop right up untill lunch and when we got back we went into the libery teamed up and researched industral glues. me and Rob teamed up and researched two part adhesives. Rob decided that we should research arladite and it worked out well. Rob looked up the technical side of the adhesvie such as the chemical make up and i look up how it basically works, how to apply, what to use it on and the safety part of using the adhesive. Afterwards we went back into the workshop untill afternoon smokeo and when we got back we gave our presentations. I've gotta say that me and Rob rulled everyones asses with our presentation. I spoke about what i had found and just the basic use of the adhesive and then Rob came on second and blow everyones ass away with the most intricite detailed talk about the chemical make up of arladite.

Today we spent putting together the Carry All and it was all going very well untill i had to whack on the base. i marked out the base well, cut it out well and it even connected well with the ends but put the whole thing together and there are gaps everywhere. i spent most of today shaving a little off here chizelling off a little there but in the end i was about to explode so i've moved on and cut out the handles. then i used the circular saw to cut out the ends and now all i have to do is to plane it down chizel a hole where the handel gose through, work on the gaps, make a little tray and i'll be done. easier said then done. tomorrow it better be easier.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Friday with John

Today we finished off our brown paper drawing. i had to finish off one of the angles and then label all the measurements. after i had done that i finished off the cutting list with the notes attached. then John showed us how to the Retracting saw and told us to be carfull otherwise we would end up like Rodeny. the poor barsard cut his thumb off only the skin was holding it to his hand he's got it stiched on but still that's pretty F#@&ed up.

Once we had our pieces cut we got these clamps ready and then John showed us how to use the biscuit machine. there's nothing to it, just turn the sucker on and push it into the timber. we then got the glue and biscuits put them into the slots that we made with the biscuit machine, put the two piceses together and then whacked them in the clamps. i think that we're gonna leave the timber in the clamps untill Monday i think.

I printed off my self analysis on the saw horse and i feel that it's a pretty honest opinion on how i went. then Rob wrote down the construction sequence and i typed it out and handed everyone a copy so we are all up to date on that part of the portfolio.

Starting New Project

Today i spent the final touches onto my saw horse before i finished it. as soon as i had done that everyone was called into the withdraw room so that we all came together to complete our portfolio on the saw horse project. that took right up to smokeo and when we came back we started on our new project.

The new project that we are on now is the carry all. it's a wooden toolbox. this project i think i am going to enjoy more because we can put in our own designs with certain this. such as how many tabs we want to make and how big we want to make the sliding top.

We talked about the basic design before we started drawing it up and that is where i'm up to at the moment. i've finished the first two angels i just have to finish the third one wack in the dimentions and then i can start on making the carry all.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Finishing the Saw Horse

Yesterday was the worst day at TAFE because i spent all day cutting and recutting the tops of the legs because i was beveling it wrong time and time again. I was getting hell fustrated because i would think that i would finally get the cut right and after i cut on the bevel line it would be wrong. Today when i got back i had realised what i was doing wrong and with all my practise cutting the legs over and over again i had cut the legs i five seconds flat and the next thing i knew i had almost finished the saw horse.

The best thing about today though is that when i had cut the groves out of the spreader so i could fit the legs in they fit perfectly. I didn't have to plane down the tops of the legs or alter them in any way. I was proud of that.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Back to TAFE

For the first part of today we spent trying to remember what it was we did and lernt the last time we were here. It didnt take long before everything came back to us all and then we were discussing what we were going to be doing this time round at TAFE. After smokeo we went straight in to the workshop and started on our saw horses from before. I hell loved it today because the last time i was here my sawing skills hell sucked but today i was kicking ass. I've got all my legs done now all i have to do is to cut some slots into the bearer and whack it all together and i'm done. There's probbaly a little more then that but we've got untill Wednesday afternoon to finish so it shouldn't be much of a drama. I can't wait untill tomorrow to get in and work on our saw horses and get them done.