Thursday, October 18, 2007

Starting New Project

Today i spent the final touches onto my saw horse before i finished it. as soon as i had done that everyone was called into the withdraw room so that we all came together to complete our portfolio on the saw horse project. that took right up to smokeo and when we came back we started on our new project.

The new project that we are on now is the carry all. it's a wooden toolbox. this project i think i am going to enjoy more because we can put in our own designs with certain this. such as how many tabs we want to make and how big we want to make the sliding top.

We talked about the basic design before we started drawing it up and that is where i'm up to at the moment. i've finished the first two angels i just have to finish the third one wack in the dimentions and then i can start on making the carry all.

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