Thursday, October 18, 2007

Friday with John

Today we finished off our brown paper drawing. i had to finish off one of the angles and then label all the measurements. after i had done that i finished off the cutting list with the notes attached. then John showed us how to the Retracting saw and told us to be carfull otherwise we would end up like Rodeny. the poor barsard cut his thumb off only the skin was holding it to his hand he's got it stiched on but still that's pretty F#@&ed up.

Once we had our pieces cut we got these clamps ready and then John showed us how to use the biscuit machine. there's nothing to it, just turn the sucker on and push it into the timber. we then got the glue and biscuits put them into the slots that we made with the biscuit machine, put the two piceses together and then whacked them in the clamps. i think that we're gonna leave the timber in the clamps untill Monday i think.

I printed off my self analysis on the saw horse and i feel that it's a pretty honest opinion on how i went. then Rob wrote down the construction sequence and i typed it out and handed everyone a copy so we are all up to date on that part of the portfolio.

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