Monday, October 15, 2007

Back to TAFE

For the first part of today we spent trying to remember what it was we did and lernt the last time we were here. It didnt take long before everything came back to us all and then we were discussing what we were going to be doing this time round at TAFE. After smokeo we went straight in to the workshop and started on our saw horses from before. I hell loved it today because the last time i was here my sawing skills hell sucked but today i was kicking ass. I've got all my legs done now all i have to do is to cut some slots into the bearer and whack it all together and i'm done. There's probbaly a little more then that but we've got untill Wednesday afternoon to finish so it shouldn't be much of a drama. I can't wait untill tomorrow to get in and work on our saw horses and get them done.

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