Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Finishing the Saw Horse

Yesterday was the worst day at TAFE because i spent all day cutting and recutting the tops of the legs because i was beveling it wrong time and time again. I was getting hell fustrated because i would think that i would finally get the cut right and after i cut on the bevel line it would be wrong. Today when i got back i had realised what i was doing wrong and with all my practise cutting the legs over and over again i had cut the legs i five seconds flat and the next thing i knew i had almost finished the saw horse.

The best thing about today though is that when i had cut the groves out of the spreader so i could fit the legs in they fit perfectly. I didn't have to plane down the tops of the legs or alter them in any way. I was proud of that.

1 comment:

goddy said...

Great to see you hang in there