Sunday, February 17, 2008

Blog for today tricks of the trade

Today we finished our stud wall frames and it looks hell good. Paul reacons that if we built the same wall on site we would not have any probblems getting paid. I'm not gonna get into too much about the construction of the walls because i already have in the last blog. Some of the tricks of the trade are: when you are measuring a long surface you should use a straight edge with a level so that it takes out all the uneveness of that surface so that you can get a more accurate reading. Before you put the walls up make sure that you put in two incisions on the bottom on either side of the doors so when they are in place you can use a saw and be confident that you will not damage it. Leave a space between the head trimmer of the window and the window itself so that the window so that it dose not take any weight at all. When you are using the string line make sure that it is an equal distance away from the wall so that you can clearly see if the walls around the perimetre are nice and straight. Metal bracers must be inserted sharp end down and must be fixed into the top and bottom plates. Use a masonary bit when you are using concrete board because you won't be able to nail straight through.

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