Monday, February 11, 2008


Yesterday we spent a lot of time learning all about the spesifications of stud framed walls from AS1684. We then spent a lot of time learning about all the calculations of where all the common studs, must studs, plates, jacks, noggings, lintels and jambers went. We had to figure out how many of one particular thing went and then how much timber we had to order.

Today we spent time going over the homework that we were surposed to do the night before. After that we did a bit of planning of what we were going to do today. We decided tat first we would spend time marking out where all the studs were going and were all the doors and windows were going to go as well. It's going to be pretty cool because another class is going to put in all the doors and windows in our stud frame walls which is good because before we were just going to have holes where they were going to go. Tomorrow should be good because we are going to build the stud frame walls. The last thing that we did today was to put in concrete compact flooring. We had to measure, cut them and then screw them into place.

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