Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Drawings and Stud framed walls

Yesterday we spent all day drawing up different ways to fix stud framed walls to one another. It turned out alright because we were ment to start on our wall frames but the timber didn't arrive until the end of the day. So it was good because we all finished our drawings yesterday without any fuss.

Today we spent all day constructing our stud wall frames and I found it good that we did so much drawing the day before because it allowed me to visulise what I had to do before I did anythink, so it made my job easier. Me, Dan and Greg worked together today and we worked really well. At one stage we decided that each of us would do spicific jobs and the productive rate went through the roof, we kicked ass. Tomorrow I think that we will be spending all day on the wall frames and I can't wait.

I think one of the good things that Paul made us do was that on every window he made us do something different so we could try and see what different methods are and what they do. I found that I like to us alot of jamb studs to reinforce the windows to me that seems to be the way to go.

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