Sunday, February 17, 2008

Finishing stud wall frames

On Thursday we started to build the stud walls for our house. It was pretty easy to do because everything was marked out all we had to do was to measure the timber to length and then cut. We made the studs 2330mm because we wanted the over all height to be 2400mm. We shot the studs in between the top and bottom plates and if there were any windows or doors we delt withg them accordingly. I'm not getting into heavy detail because we hacve already written up and talked about the whole process. Once all the walls were built one by one we carried them over to the sub floor that we built the week before. The first wall that we erected we plumbed out and then held it into possission with braces. Then we got the adjoining wall and and clamped it to the first wall. We made sure that the both walls were flush with one another and were plumb, then we shot them together with the nail gun. We repeated the whole process until all walls were erected.

We set up a string line around the top and bottom of the outside preimetre of the walls to help sight the straightness of the walls. Then we plumbed the corners of the walls and if they did have to be moved we remover the braces got the walls in the correct possission, reinsert the braces and then nail them off. To finish off we put in dog legs in between certain studs, inserted more trimmers where needed such as in the bathroom where the shover door and tiles will go. Once that was done that is about it for the stud wall frames. If you would like a more detailed version you can get a copy of my construction sheet if you really want to.

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