Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday and Friday

Yesterday we spent half the day finishing off our wall cladding. Me and Rob finished off the wall sheeting and got everything ready to start on timber cladding. But by the time we had got everything organsied we had to pack everything up because we had run out of time. Berie came to see us as well basically seeing how we were all going and then he got us to sign a couple of pages so that we will get $1000 from the government for completing our 6 month and 12 month increments. After lunch we then had to sit for our exam about levelling and using the dumpy and it went on for 2 hours. I'm quite sure that i did do well. After smoko we did some more stuff which included finishing off our profolios, Paul telling us about the sub floor exma for Friday and the explosive tools that we are going to use.

Today we spent half the day researching and learning about explosive tools and then we actually got to use one. I found it quite disappointing that we couldn't use a more powerful explosive tool because the one that we used i thought was pretty weak. Then straight after lunch we started on our exam and if we finished early we could blog and then go but i took a little longer then the rest of the boys but i think that i may have done a little better then most. i hope i'm right.

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