Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Building the floor

We started yesterday on consturting the floor. Firstly we all helpped each other to get the dimentions so that we could get the stringline happening. That involved cutting pegs, making herdles and smashing them all into the ground to prepare the stringling. We then got out the dumpy and got the high point and transferred that hight to the rest of the herdles. Then we got out the stringline so that we had the perimetre of the house. It was a every proud moment between the boys because we managed to get the stringline right the first time and it was bang on, we were perfect to the millimetre. Then we went back into the classroom to workout together how many stumps, bearers and joists we needed. Then we went back out and me and Rob started to dig the holes and Rhys and Greg cut the stumps and nailed the sole plates to the bottom of them. Before we left me and Rob put in one stump perfectly so it would become the reference point for the rest of the stumps. The next day again me and Rob worked together to dig the holes and put in the stumps, made them level but this time, Greg suggested that we make the stumps a little high so that we could come back and cut them down to the right size. This ened up to be a good idea because it waas easier and in the end saved alot of time. Rhys and Greg worked together doing the same thing me and Rob were doing and we finnished that job pretty quickly. Me and Rob then went around with the electrical dumpy and got the right hight for every stump and then we got out the circular saws and cut all the stumpys to the right lenght. Me and Rhys started to cut the bearers and passed them to the boys and they started to nail the bearers to the stumps. That's where we stopped because the other class came in and started to destroy what they had built. We will commence tomorrow.

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