Wednesday, January 23, 2008

One dead, two dying and three remaining

Today was a little different from the past three days. We had a bad start because I believe that we didn't really have a meeting at the start of the day to discuss what each of us were going to do. Not only that but Rhys decided that the bearers were out by 20mm and that we should make it right or try and work around it but I think that a couple of the guys might of had a big one last night and with the hot sun wanted to just smash in the joists and get out of there. Me and Rhys went of and started to cut the joists and by smoko were a little pissed because only two joists were nailed in and they had to be pulled out because the joists were not in line with the outside of the walls. That pissed Rhys right of because he was telling everyone that in the first place but no one listerned. After smoko Greg died in the ass because he was struggling with a stomich bug and I've got to say he was not looking good. Then fiftheen minutes later Mick decides that he is aqlso sick and goes home also. This only left me, Rhys and Rob. All we did was to finally get the end joists inline with one another and then we went back into the classroom to start our drawings. We sped through our drawings and got alot done but when it came to dwaring up the steel stump we had to go to B block to do some research. That also went well and I feel that even though we got of to a pretty bad start it ended being quite a productive day.
The thing that we had to remember today was the AS1864 which is what the rules are for building the floor.

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