Sunday, January 13, 2008

First day back at Tafe

Today was the first day back at Tafe for the year. We did a fair bit today which had a lot to do with leveling. We spent some time researching different types of levels and I chose to do the spirit level. Then once we had researched it we wrote about it and then we went back to class and did a presentation. It went pretty well and then we all wentto lunch.

After lunch we went outside and with the Dumpys, starffs and tripods and learnt how to use them. I liked it because it was easy to learn and we did a couple of exercises which was great because I find when you use something for the first time and you now what you are doing it's a good feeling to know that you have achieved something.

After that we went back into the classroom and as a team we wrote about what we did. How to set up the Dumpys and how to level. Tonight I will type up what we did and will hand it in tomorrow morning.

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