Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Setting and levelling the building perimetre

Today we started out by getting all the gear nessary to set out the the boundery and perimetre of the building. When we got there we started by setting out the boundery. We decided to make one side of the boundery 30m. Once we got that done we set up the dumpy at the start of the string line. Then we used the dumpy to measure 61"54' to the left and then we put out another string line 9.8m. Then looking at the map we had to make a parallel string line 7m from the boundery. The next step is important to figure out the corner for the front of the house. From the back boundery we measure out four metres which is the side of the back of the house. Then we Added on another 8.390m for the lenght of the actual side of the house. Then we put those two measurments together to get 12.390m which passed over the parallel line which we made earlier. We then got the carpenters' square on the 30m and square up the line that that passes over the parallel line and that is the exact make which the corner for the front of the house gose. Once that line is secured we came off 4m from the boundery line and put in another peg which is for the back corner of the house. Then we measured from the peg 12.470m and then placed another peg for the far end corner of the house. While all the time making sure that the string line was parallel for the boundery line. The fourth and final peg was worked out by exactly the same as the front line. We measured from the boundery line, came in 4m and then added 8.390m. We got the carpenters' square and the boundery line with the new string line and at the end of that line was final coner of that house. We then constructed herddles to place around each peg about 300mm off the pegs. Then with the dumpy we agreed on a random hight for the cross members and we levelled out all the cross members until they were all the same. After that we put screws into the cross members in line of the pegs and then put string lines on two sides of the house and they became the true lines. But we made sure that the string lines were parallel from the boundery lins because they were fixed and could not be moved. We did the same thing on the otherside of the house with lining up the screws with the pegs. Then we measured from one string line to the other that was parallel to it. We measured one side and then the other and if it was wright we measured from corner to corner and if that was wright that means that all our measuring was spot on. But it didn't quite work like that we did have to adjust a little but we did get there in the end.

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