Sunday, January 20, 2008

Friday and Monday

On Friday we started off with doing up our site plan, safety plan and a construction plan for levelling and set out. That took up half the day. Then after lunch we sat our second assessment and that went on until afternoon tea. I think that I may of done ok in that. Then for the last hour and a half we learnt all about stumps, bearers and floor joists. This is all part of the constuction of a sub floor.

Today we spent most of the day by doing a more full on version on the sub floor. We used the Australind plan the same one that we used the other day. I enjoyed today because I feel that I remembered what I learnt the other day and I found it pretty easy. The only thing that pissed me off was at the end when we were doing the cutting list and the quote sheet. The reason why is when we got on to the quote sheet and were doing the floor joists most of the boys had different things written down so none of us had the same answer. But I guess I still learnt something so it wasn't all bad.

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